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New York Minute Page 4

  Was he a player who knew the perfect words to say, or did he really mean it?

  Without a doubt, she wanted him. What ate at her, though, was the fact that once he knew who she really was, he’d never really want her. What would a headline musician have in common with an accountant’s world? An accountant who got excited by numbers and spreadsheets, not riffs and mic checks. A world where she wore buttoned up shirts and barely spoke because she was busy second-guessing everything she said.

  And to be honest … she was scared. Scared of feeling so much so soon. Scared of being hurt. Scared of him knowing who she really was.

  But there were his dreamy eyes and … even though she was scared, she deserved more fun. He’d already seen her naked, in numerous positions, and he wanted to spend time with her. She wouldn’t mind a little more exploration before having to settle on the other boring men in her life. But she had to keep his interest somehow—and that somehow had to be her new, sexy persona, Vero. The one she created at the wedding, who ultimately gained this hot man in her bed.

  She broke eye contact and smoothed out a wrinkle in her dress. Taking a deep breath, she repeated to herself: Sexy Vero, femme fatale. A lightness entered her chest and her muscles relaxed. She could do this.

  She held her shoulders back, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and lowered her lids. She reached over to grab his knee. “Let’s make it fun.”

  He raised his eyebrows, a gleam in his eyes. “Already I’m intrigued.”

  She scooted closer to him, not allowing any space between them. “For every question we ask, we take something off.” She tugged his T-shirt away from his chest and let go, making it snap.

  He laughed. “I like this idea. We learn and play at the same time.” He placed his wineglass on the table in front of them, leaned back, and put his hands behind his head. “Me first.”

  “I thought you were a gentleman.” She reached for her glass and drank.

  Diego held his hands out in submission. “Of course. Ladies first.”

  She sat forward and rested her hand on her chin. “What do I want to know? You’re a musician, but what exactly do you do?”

  He breathed in and his shirt lifted enough that a trail of hair peeked out above the snap in his jeans and around his belly button. The sizzle in her head was deafening. To hell with my monotonous life! This will definitely be fun.

  “I do a bit of everything. I travel around the world, playing guitar mostly. I write songs for some big-shot singers and produce smaller stars’ work.” He shrugged. “That’s about it.”

  “That’s it? You travel the world? Write songs for people like John Mayer?” She pointed to the photo.

  “Never for John.” He rested his forearms on his knees. “But, yeah.”

  “I’ve never even been out of the United States.” She scratched her neck and stopped when Diego’s eyes narrowed, watching every movement. “Actually, I did go to Canada once.”

  “Not even Mexico?”

  “Nope, but I’d love to visit Paris or Spain. That’s a dream.”

  “If you dream about it, think about it, live it, breathe it, you’ll own it.” He confiscated her wineglass and placed it in front of them. “Now, take something off.”

  “Wait, you’re supposed to take something off.”

  He shook his head. “The asker takes something off. I gave you answers, you give me skin.” The gleam in his chocolate eyes grew brighter.

  Hell, what should she take off?

  Heat flushed through her body as she inwardly chanted her mantra. With a small smile, she stripped off her scarf, put it around his neck, and tugged him closer for a kiss. She let her lips linger long enough to feel his tongue seek hers, but she pulled back. “Tsk, tsk. Not yet.”

  He dragged the scarf off his neck and threw it behind him. “Damn.”

  She laughed. “Your turn and hurry. I want to see some skin.”

  “You haven’t even shown me skin yet.” He pretended to pout then rubbed his hands together and sat straighter. “Okay, same question. What do you do?”

  The bane of her existence—her occupation. Most of the time, it was perfect for her. She always was a numbers person, not a people person, so sitting in an office adding and subtracting didn’t seem like a big deal. But, for times like this, she wished she could say she worked as a famous chef, an actress, or a PR executive. What would sexy Vero do? Hmmm.

  She half-shrugged and grinned. “I work at Macy’s.”

  He reached out for her, his finger doing those voodoo circles on her leg. “Doing what exactly?”

  Damn. He wanted to know more. Well, there was always her friend Amanda, who traveled the world like him, meeting interesting people, with an eye for the high life.

  “I’m a fashion buyer.”

  He crossed his ankles and scratched his head. “So, you buy clothes for the store?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Yet, your dress covers more of your body than needed.” He held her chin up. “Next time, I want to see more skin.”

  Next time? She beamed. “I’ll see what we have in storage.” Er … was that what Amanda did? Did Macy’s even have storage? Crap, she wasn’t good at lying. The good thing was he wanted to see more of her skin. She could totally do that.

  She stopped smiling, because it was time to see more of him. “Skin, please.”

  He yanked off his white T-shirt slowly and, probably purposefully, showing his tight abs and biceps with every movement. When he tossed the shirt to the side, she reached over and traced one of the tattoos on his chest over his right nipple. “What’s this one?” she whispered.

  He grabbed her finger. “Is that your question? If not, you’ll have to wait.” The desire in his eyes warmed her to the core. He caressed her finger, then brought it to his mouth and kissed it lightly. “What’s your question, Vero?”

  It wasn’t fair that he could act normal when her whole inside melted on the spot. Something so simple, yet sexy as hell. “I can’t think.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure you can.”

  She licked her lips and picked up her glass. “Why so many tattoos? What do they mean?”

  “That’s two questions.” He tapped the foot laying across his knee. “Each tattoo represents a place I’ve visited. I like to keep a memory since the places made me who I am today. For example, see this one?” He turned his torso so she could see the compass tattoo on his right shoulder. Not too big, maybe the size of her palm. “This is one of my first, because I wanted to travel the world.”

  “And your dream came true.” She touched his shoulder, bent down, and kissed the tattoo. The scent of sandalwood made her libido jump a notch.

  “Jacket off, Ms. Fashionista.”

  This time, shyness didn’t hinder her, and she didn’t take her eyes off him while she peeled off the jacket. His dark and dreamy eyes danced as he examined the bit of skin that showed.

  “You did ask two questions. I think you need to take something else off.” He smirked.

  Without hesitation, she whipped one heel off, kicking it across the room. When she lifted her other foot to take off the shoe, Diego grabbed her ankle and stopped her.

  “Let me help.” He pulled it off, placing the heel on the floor, and stroked the insole of her foot back and forth. Then he picked it up higher, causing her to fall back onto the couch, bringing her foot into his lap to massage her arch, making her wiggle with the sensations. “Next question. Why did you seduce me that night?”

  She opened her eyes and met his dark ones. Whoa, he moves fast. Which was fine with her, since the more they talked, the more she wanted to touch and see. She licked her lips and smiled. “You’re a conquest, Diego. Who wouldn’t want to seduce you?”

  “A conquest, huh?” He leaned down and placed his hand around her chin. “Do you feel like another conquest?”

  She raised her lowered lids and put her leg around his waist. “That’s a second question. I’ll give it to you for two articles of cl

  He nudged his head lower into her neck and his breath wafted into her ear. “I think you already answered it for me.” He squirmed on top of her and kissed her neck.

  “You’re cheating.” She pulled him up to her mouth. “But I like it.”

  His lips crushed into hers with the same hunger she had, nipping her lips and becoming a part of her. He kissed her as if nothing else mattered but her, sending jolts of electricity up and down her body, all the way to her center.

  Veronica’s hands trailed down his bare back, touching every ripe muscle, her nails digging into the waist of his jeans, the tops of his boxer shorts brushing her fingers. She was alive. Vivacious. Full of life. His eagerness triggered an impatience in her and she whimpered, clawing at his back.

  A muffled, low laugh vibrated against her neck as Diego traced his tongue along it, licking her outer ear, compelling her to buckle toward him. Diego’s head fell back to stare into her eyes, his husky voice echoing in her ear.

  “Why did you come tonight?”

  She bit her lip. “Exactly what it looks like.”

  A smile settled on his mouth and he placed his nose in her ear, kissing her. “To play twenty questions?”

  “I think five questions are enough.”

  “Game over?”

  Veronica could only nod an answer. Her hand, as if it were its own compass, came forward, caressing his abs as she rubbed her pelvis into him. “It’s only the beginning.”

  His eyes not leaving hers, Diego found the side zipper on her dress and unzipped it slowly. His strong hands caressed every inch of exposed skin as he tugged it down her body. His hands on her skin sent her into a frenzy, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to force the amazing sensations down and not let them take over … yet.

  His gaze lingered over her lacy black panties and bra set. The ones that no one ever saw. Thanks to the darkness and wanting displayed in Diego’s eyes, she believed she was truly sexy.

  “Madre de Dios. You’re goddamned beautiful, Vero.”

  Before she could answer, he tugged her bra down, freeing her breasts to the cool air. His hot breath fell across her chest and then he sucked her into his mouth, pressing his wet tongue against her. She moaned loudly, wrapped her legs around him, and pulled him by his tousled hair, because she wanted more. More Diego in any way she could have him.

  His hand found her bottom and squeezed. A sensual throb shot through her, wriggling her hips. She moaned and he followed as he fumbled to undo his pants. Veronica shuffled her hands around him to help him unzip and pulled them down along with the boxers. He was the most gorgeous sight she’d ever seen. A naked sex god. Diego. Hard and big and oh so right. He held himself, which turned her on more.

  “Let me,” she whispered, and she reached down to hold him exactly where his fingers curled.

  He moved to the rhythm of her fingers as she exercised them up and down and around his shaft. As her breathing quickened, Diego pulled her panties down her legs, stopping at her center and finding the slick wetness waiting for him.

  “Jesus, Vero.” His voice was tight and almost out of control. “We’re going to do this now. I can’t hold off.” He kneeled above her and put his hands by her head. “I’m going to take you all night.”

  “Yes.” All night sounded perfect for her.

  He rubbed into her and they both sucked in air as the skin-on-skin sensation enveloped them. His hardness throbbed on her, speaking to her, taunting her, playing around her wetness and testing the waters. He grabbed himself and pushed close to her, teasing her to the point she almost climaxed right there. He pulled away for an instant, causing her to suck in a breathless shriek. Before she knew it, Diego had a condom on and he kissed her hard, rough, and possessively. Then he slid inside her with a grunt and she rocked into him to make him slide deeper. He filled her so perfectly—why had she let this much time come between them? Why didn’t she search him out to find him, come hell or high water? This man was everything sex should be … and more.

  The heat built between them as they joined together in the perfect rhythm for them. His gaze caressed her. His hands stroked her sides. He filled her up and down and in and out. She wouldn’t make it much longer.

  “Diego.” She grabbed his ass and pulled him tighter.

  With one push, she fell over that delicious edge she hadn’t had in three weeks. He continued to move faster and faster. His glorious face darkened and a gasp fell from his lips as he collapsed into her. Their chests rose and fell into one another as their breathing slowed. She clutched at him, still needing to feel him, not wanting to let go.

  He rolled and kissed her temple. “Hold on.” He rose and walked softly to the kitchen. When he came back, he carried two water bottles. “You’re going to need this to refuel. We have more fun and games in store. And no leaving me in the middle of the night this time.”

  His mischievous smile compelled her to sit up and run her hands through his hair. “I won’t.” She leaned into him and gave him a slow kiss, nipping at his bottom lip when she pulled away. “There’s still so much I want to learn about you. Starting with that bird tattoo below your belly button.” She fingered it, letting the tip of her pointer finger twirl in the small hairs that stood on end.

  He grabbed her finger and pulled it up to his cold mouth, wet from drinking water. “It’s an arrow symbolizing protection.” He squeezed her finger and gave a half-smile. “Despite what you may think, I don’t let just anybody down my pants.”

  Veronica widened her eyes. He didn’t sleep around?

  He chuckled and kissed her quickly. “Only special women see these parts.” He pointed to his magnificent manhood that stood as if pointing an arrow at her. Holy Jesus, he was still hard. “Come on, Vero.” He stood and reached out his hand. “Let’s go explore more of this thing between us.”

  Chapter Six

  The next morning, Diego sat at his piano stool, his guitar in one hand and a pencil in the other. A beautiful woman in his bed and a night full of mind-blowing sex, and the words floated out like magic. It’d been weeks since a song came to him. Now he was on fire. Vero restored the words in his head … over and over … like a favorite song on the radio. It felt fucking fantastic.

  His music career kept him busy—traveling, producing smaller albums, networking. Meeting a woman was the least of his concerns. Since his career had picked up, he had no time for a relationship, though he knew it’d be good for him—something steady, lasting. He didn’t do regrets and usually one-nighters led to that.

  Maybe it was time to give a real relationship a shot. He’d been thinking that for a while now, but the women who had come in and out of his life were all the same. Attention-seekers and limelight hogs. He wanted someone who loved him for him, not because of his status. The people in his life deserved that, too. He knew it was sappy, but it was the truth.

  Maybe he could trust this woman.

  The two sides of Veronica made him smile. At the wedding a few weeks back, she’d demonstrated her wild, provocative side. Last night was his first glance at the sweet, seductive side. He liked both. She intrigued him. She inspired him. He wanted more.

  Picking up his phone, he dialed Marco’s number.

  “This better be good. It’s freakin’ eight in the morning.”

  Diego chuckled, rested his guitar by his feet, and supported his elbows on his knees. “Good morning to you, too.”

  “What’s up?” Marco yawned.

  “I’m writing again.” Diego bent down and strummed the guitar strings.

  “No shit. What happened?”

  The eagerness in his tired brother’s voice didn’t surprise him. Their careers depended on his ability to write the next hit.

  “Vero happened.”

  “Dios mío. You really like this girl, huh?” Marco chuckled in disbelief.

  Diego stretched and scratched his stomach. “She’s a woman, Marco, and yeah. There’s something happening. I’ve got to figure it out. Th
at’s why I’m calling. How can I get a reservation tonight at Tapas España?”

  “Man, it takes at least a week to get in.”

  “But I need to get in tonight. What’s that guy’s name? The owner?”

  “Hold on. Let me get his number.” Marco rustled around. “Call Eduardo. Remind him that he owes me and maybe he’ll get you in.”



  Soft footsteps padded across the floor. Veronica’s sheepish glance brought a bigger smile to his face. Diego held the receiver closer to his ear. “Look, I got to go.”

  “She’s still there? Way to go, little brother.”

  “Hasta luego.” He disconnected the call.

  She stood in her wrinkled dress from last night, her hair splayed around her, mascara smudged around her eyes. Sexy as hell. He didn’t want her to feel any humiliation in her “walk of shame.” What they had together was anything but shameful. He reached out his hand to the woman who had his head spiraling in every direction.

  “Come here.”

  Veronica’s slow gait and the swish of her hips turned him on and she had no clue. “I’ve got to get going. I have early plans.”

  Diego pulled her onto his lap. Plans this early? Shit. What if she has a boyfriend? He stroked the stray hairs by her cheek and pulled them behind her ear. No. Vero wouldn’t do that. He still had a lot to learn about her, but she was a one-man woman. No doubt about it. “I want to see you again.”

  She nodded into his neck. Just the feel of her breath on him made him hard. His hands grazed her outer thighs, her soft silky skin, and lifted up her dress, They meandered up to cup her tight ass. Damn, he could touch her all morning. “You sure you have to go?”

  She wiggled on top of him. “If I don’t leave now, I’ll be late and then my mother will be full of questions.”

  His hands rubbed and kneaded, then he sought her lips and kissed her gently. When he let go, her gaze searched his face as she batted her lashes. Damn sexy.