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New York Minute Page 3

  But, shit, that was proof that she didn’t know this guy any better than Baldy or greased-back Edward. She thought they’d never see each other again in a city of millions, and here they were, face to face. Was it a sign?

  What was she supposed to do? Bring him home for her parents’ annual holiday party? Hell to the no. Her mom would die of a heart attack.

  His dark, brooding eyes found hers. A sexy-as-sin smile rolled across his face, and worse, the vision of all he could do to rock her lonely world shook her core.

  Total. Sex. God.

  “Holy hell,” he whispered. “It’s you.”

  Chapter Three

  Veronica had two options: pretend she didn’t recognize him or embrace the memories, with hopes for a repeat performance. The choice was far from difficult. So, she lifted her chin. It was time to see how far she could bluff her way through this reunion without Sexy Veronica behind her, because he completely threw her for a loop.

  “Diego, what a surprise,” she squeaked past the knot in her throat.

  He reached across the table, taking her wrist into his hand. “Do you know how many times I’ve thought about you?”

  “What are you doing here?” She blinked a few times. Perfect, now she sounded like an idiot. Shock always did that to her. She needed time to think, to get herself together, so she could be the hot, sexy siren he no doubt remembered.

  Yet, he touched her. His thumb caressed the inside of her wrist, making her skin prickle with goose bumps and her heart pounded a mile a minute.

  His lips picked up at one corner and he held out his hands. “Speed dating … like everyone else.” He swung his head in the direction of the next table. “My brother, Marco, talked me into it.”

  Another attractive, tall Latino man chatted away with some blonde chick who smiled like the Cheshire Cat.

  Leaning forward again, Diego gripped her hands. “Damn, it really is you.”

  She didn’t know what to say. The night they were together was definitely something to add to her dream-come-true list, but it would never last and she needed a relationship that would survive. That one night was a whim, something she needed to get out of her system. Now, she needed to locate a real candidate for the life her mom had planned for her. Stability and love weren’t such a bad idea, after all. She only hoped she would eventually find the sizzle Diego had opened her eyes to.

  “So, why’d you leave?” He circled her wrist with his thumb.

  God, his husky voice sent shivers up her spine. His simple touch awakened all her dormant senses. She shook her head and sat up straight, taking a deep breath. “Look, I’m not that woman.”

  He frowned. “No, you’re definitely Vero. I recognize that little freckle under your left ear.” He leaned closer and rubbed the spot with his finger. The warmth of his hand on her face brought back memories of the other places his hands had touched and how gifted he was in pleasuring her to oblivion.

  “No, I mean—” She settled into his palm, relishing his touch. Then she pulled back from his temptation. “What I mean is I don’t usually do ... the one-night stand thing.”

  He smiled. “You’re the one who made it a one-night thing. Now that I’ve found you again, we can have more, no? It was damn fabulous. Unless—” He reached for her hand and splayed her fingers in between his own. “Why did you leave? I enjoyed our night together.”

  Veronica’s cheeks warmed and she squeezed his fingers. “I did too. I didn’t think you’d want more than that night.”

  “Shit.” His jaw was set and his lips pressed together. “Let’s get out of here and make it more than that wedding night. That’s what I want.”

  He still wants to get together?

  She wiggled her foot under the table. “I’m not sure we can get out of this room, but the event ends in an hour.”

  He stared into her eyes for a few seconds. When she bit her lip, he bent forward and whispered, “You’re still as sexy as hell.”

  “Oh, um, thank you.” She picked up the cocktail menu and placed it back without looking at it.

  “And cute at the same time.” He reached into his blazer pocket and pulled out his wallet. “Look, we have only one minute more.” He removed a card from his wallet and wrote on the back. “Here’s my address, and my phone is on the front. I’ll be waiting there when this gig is up.”

  “We’re not supposed to give out personal information.”

  He slid it across the table directly in front of her as he chuckled. “We’ve already been personal, Vero.”

  The small, rolling “r” as he said her nickname made her melt in her chair. She grabbed the card with his fancy, slanted handwriting noting the “Washington Square Lofts, apartment 7,” in the corner. She turned the card over to read his name etched in a fancy script: Diego Diaz, songwriter, producer, musician.

  “Please come.” He reached under the table and stroked her knee.

  She smiled but didn’t answer.

  The bell rang. “I’ll be waiting.” He walked away, except he didn’t move to the next table. He walked to the front door and didn’t look back.

  Chapter Four

  Diego stood outside Aria Lounge, trying to decide if he should walk home or catch a taxi. His attention strayed to the scene on the other side of the window; he could barely make out Vero’s dark hair. He remembered the curve of her neck so vividly from their one night three weeks ago. Her laughter—her head bent back, her soft, white skin glistening under the lamplight—dominated his dreams. Dreams! About a damn woman!

  He rubbed his jaw. Should he go back in there and force her to come home with him? If he knew anything about women, it was that they didn’t like to be ordered around. If he was honest, he wasn’t the type of guy to do that, either.

  He should be pissed after the way she left his bed without a word, but there was something about Vero. His brother would tell him not to pass this chance up by leaving, especially since Vero woke up his muse.

  Hell, he should’ve gotten her number at least. What if she didn’t show up?

  Diego shuffled to the front of the lounge but stopped himself from opening the door again. If she wanted to see him again, she’d show.

  Since when had he turned into a frecasado—a big, fat loser? He never chased after a woman. Lord knew he had enough of them knocking at his door—or behind stage, as it were—but he’d never occupied his mind with one until now. He barely knew her, just her name and her hypnotizing moans in the bedroom. Not once had a woman disappeared on him the morning after. Usually women wanted more and he wasn’t willing to give it to them. Hell, he rarely did the one-night thing anymore, but Vero had a way about her that squeezed him to the core. And he’d found her … or she found him. One way or another they stumbled upon each other and he had to have her.

  Thank God his brother had talked him into attending the ridiculous speed dating event. It was, of course, an outlandish idea, but Marco insisted because Vero’s first appearance triggered inspiration in Diego’s professional world. Marco chalked his comeback to the power of anonymity.

  But something far better had happened. Diego didn’t just encounter another ordinary girl. He met up with the same woman who had awakened his muse from the long, dark, dreaded sleep. He’d written one song. Not a lot, but it was more than he’d done in the last five months.

  Diego rolled his neck, put his hands in his pockets, and walked toward the Square. Veronica would show up and he had to prepare himself, because she could steal his heart. Though that’s what he really needed—what his family needed—he had to take it slow. And if taking it slow included another tantalizing night with the wedding woman—the one he’d dreamed about more than any other—his life was better off than he thought.

  • • •

  Veronica pushed Chloe through the doors once the speed dating finished. What came next? Go to Diego’s or ignore his request? Her head told her she shouldn’t go. He didn’t know her, or rather she didn’t know him. She couldn’t get serious with hi
m anyway, and one night led to two, then three … then what? Take him to her parents’ house, introduce him to her brother? Not happening.

  But her body demanded she hop into a taxi and get there as soon as possible.

  “What’s the rush? Geez.” Chloe pulled her purse up on her shoulder. “You turned in the Speeding Ticket, right?”

  “I only had one checked off anyway.” Veronica sighed. “I need to tell you something.”

  Chloe stopped in her tracks. “What?”

  “Vero?” A man’s voice sounded from the lounge door. Diego’s brother—was his name Marco?—was hell-bent on catching up with them.

  “Hey.” She couldn’t miss Marco’s perusal of Chloe from head to toe, and Chloe’s response with a flirtatious swish of her hair.

  A slow grin formed as he stepped closer to Chloe. “I remember you. One of the earlier tables.”

  For once, Chloe seemed speechless; she only blinked her eyes, and a sigh escaped. It was cute how the two were clearly interested in one another, but this was the worst timing. Veronica had somewhere to go, but first she wanted Chloe to hear her predicament, give her advice. Instead, Veronica stood there, like always, a third wheel watching sparks flash in front of her. Never within her. Now was her chance to change that.

  “Listen, Diego’s going to kill me, but I could show you to his apartment.” Marco was talking to her, but he had yet to look away from Chloe. “We could catch a cab together.”

  “Who’s Diego?” Chloe stepped closer to Marco and twirled her hair again.

  “I was about to tell you.” Veronica inhaled deeply. All signs pointed to her going to Diego’s apartment. But that meant she needed to become Sexy Vero again. Maybe she needed to run back into the lounge and have another drink.

  Marco chuckled and glanced in Veronica’s direction. “Diego’s my twin brother. Apparently, these two have some history together.”

  “You’re twins?” Veronica blinked.

  Marco laughed. “Fraternal twins. I’m the handsome one.” He stepped to the street and held his hand up to hail a cab. “You coming or not?”

  She bit her lip. She wanted to go, no doubt about it, but how did she convince Chloe it was the right thing to do?

  Chloe frowned. “What are you not telling me?” She leaned over. “And do you like Marco or this Diego guy?”

  Veronica rolled her eyes. “Diego, of course.”

  Chloe placed her hand on her hip. “What do you mean, of course? I have no idea who Diego is, and Marco is definitely hot.”

  A cab pulled up.

  “You want to come, too, Chloe?”

  “Sure,” she told Marco, batting her lashes. “Let’s go meet this Diego who has Veronica’s panties in a twist.”

  Marco laughed and put his hand on Chloe’s back as he escorted her into the cab.

  Veronica’s face warmed, but no way would she allow Chloe to get her flustered. She shook her head and followed them into the taxi.

  “You’re a real surprise tonight, Vero.” Chloe knocked her on the shoulder as Marco slid in. “And so are you, Marco.”

  He grinned and Veronica had to look out the window to get her thoughts into check. She was about to see Diego, in his apartment, and she had to conjure up some backbone in order to be who he wanted her to be.

  But was that who she wanted to be?

  Chapter Five

  When they arrived at apartment seven, the butterflies in Veronica’s stomach catapulted. Soft, acoustic guitar strummed in the background, but as soon as Marco tapped on the door, it stopped. It must have been Diego playing; after all, it listed musician as his occupation on the card he gave her. Still, she had no clue who he was, other than a god in the bedroom.

  The door swung open and Diego stood barefoot in his perfect-fit jeans and a white T-shirt. The tattoos with several different designs on his right arm glowed under the hall light, but the one that stood out was a sun shining as brightly as his caramel-colored eyes. A smirk sat on his face as he turned his gaze to Marco. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Happy to see you, too, little brother.” Marco patted him on the shoulder and walked into the apartment.

  Chloe followed. “I thought you were twins.”

  “He was born four minutes before me. Kind of an inside joke.” He opened the door wider for Veronica. “There you are.”

  “It had to be apartment number seven.” Her knees turned to jelly and her cheeks warmed. So much for being a seductress. She was a total schoolgirl. She cleared her throat and ran a finger through her hair, twirling it around her finger. “Marco offered to show me to your place.”

  “Well, come in.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her closer. “It’s great to see you here.” He leaned down and touched his lips to hers. A soft caress and then he let go, staring at her for a few seconds, his eyes sending messages of a thrilling night.

  She bit her lip then slipped farther into the room, trying to take in the modern and well-furnished apartment. Meanwhile, Chloe’s stare could have burned a hole into her skull. Veronica chose to ignore it for now and walked around the room, observing the pictures on the wall, while her heart beat a thousand miles a minute.

  Several photos included Diego with a guitar on stage. Some showed him playing, others singing, but her favorite was of him sitting with other musicians laughing, pure joy and confidence emanating on his face.

  Suddenly Diego was beside her. He didn’t say a word, only pulled her scarf and hauled her closer to him. “It took you a while.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I had to finish all my dates.”

  Marco cleared his throat. “Well, my job is done. You into jazz, Chloe? I have some friends giving a show.”

  “I’d love to go. But give me a minute.” Chloe slid by Veronica and tugged her to the corner, away from the men.

  “This is a bit unlike you. Are you sure it’s okay to leave you here? Do you know him?”

  “Actually, I met him a few weeks ago at a coworker’s wedding. We happened to bump into each other at the speed dating thing.”

  Chloe lowered her voice to a whisper. “Do you have protection?”

  “I’m on the pill.” Really, when did Chloe turn into her mom? Next Chloe would be asking if she remembered to take it today.

  Chloe dug through her purse and handed her two bright red foil packets. “Take these. Even if you’re on the pill, you need to practice safe sex.”

  Veronica glanced around quickly, grabbing the packets and stuffing them in her purse. “Chloe, have some decency.”

  “I am.” She patted her shoulder. “You’re a big surprise, my friend.” She winked and wiggled her way to the door to leave with Marco.

  Diego closed the door behind them and returned to Veronica, his woodsy smell floating in the air between them.

  She studied another frame on the wall and glanced at him, pointing. “Is that—?”

  He stretched his arm around her and placed his hand on her waist. “John Mayer? Yeah. I met him once and we jammed together. One of my better days.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were a well-known musician.”

  “There’s a lot we don’t know about each other. I don’t know what you do, either.” He grabbed her hand and led her to the couch in the middle of the room. “Let’s get comfortable. You want a glass of wine?”

  “Sounds good.” She sat as he got them both wine at a little bar in the corner of the living area. She loved to watch him in his space, relaxed and unrattled. As for her, surely he could hear her heart in her chest. She wiped her sweaty palms on the throw blanket on the corner of the couch and sat back, crossing and uncrossing her legs. Sexy Vero! You can do this.

  His bare feet scampered across the hardwood floor toward the leather couch. Shit, the man was the epitome of hotness.

  He scooted close to her and handed her a glass, holding up his. “Here’s to getting reacquainted with each other.” His eyes never left hers as they both sipped.

desire to flee escaped her, yet the heart palpitations wouldn’t stop. She had to come clean because she wasn’t as sophisticated as he thought she was.

  Look at him. He can have any woman he wants. Probably invited me to his place because he knows he can get in my pants, like before.

  Still, she had some self-respect. Sleeping around wasn’t her norm and she had to let him know.

  Before she could say anything, he put his glass down and seized her hand, bringing it to his mouth. “It’s weird, but I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He kissed her palm and then the top of her thumb.

  Oh, damn. He shook her to her core. She pulled her hand from his and flattened out her dress. “Look, Diego, before we continue here, I think we should get to know one another.”

  He frowned and picked up his wineglass. “Sounds reasonable.” He sipped and then placed it back down, displaying a barbed wire tattoo on his right bicep. “The thing is, when you’re around, I find it incredibly hard to only sit here and talk.” He rubbed her bare knee, where the hem of her dress stopped.

  A whimper escaped from her throat and she put her hand to her mouth. Looking into Diego’s eyes, she almost fell into his trance. She hated being boring and ordinary, but she had limits. Sure, she’d probably end up in his bed again, but she at least needed to know what he did for a living, how old he was, and if he had plans in life. Not a relationship, by any means, but enough so she wouldn’t feel like a tramp.

  She bit her lip. “Let’s talk a bit first.”

  “And what’s second?” He laughed when Veronica widened her eyes. “Vero, you’re a little different tonight.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. I’m not that woman I was a few weeks ago.”

  He shook his head. “You’re whatever you want to be. And whether you think it or not, you were being genuine that night. That’s one of the things that pulled me to you.” He took her hand and pressed his fingers through hers. “If you want to talk, we’ll talk. Believe it or not, I’d like to get to know you, too.”