New York Minute Read online

Page 8

  No more thoughts of Diego. She wouldn’t get her work done—or worse, she’d have to take a cold shower. She laughed; she’d never understood why men had to do that. Now she empathized. She stilled her seat, put the phone she hugged back down, and turned back to her computer.

  Two hours later, a knock sounded at her cubicle. “Hey, hey, girlfriend.”

  Veronica jerked back at Chloe’s loud voice. “What are you doing here?”

  “Don’t you know it’s seven already? We have plans tonight. Come on.”

  “We don’t have plans. I was finishing up my last report.”

  Chloe dug into her deep purse and pulled out a makeup bag and a sequined top. “It’s seven. You worked all day. Time to go out.”

  Veronica sighed and shook her head. “What are you up to?”

  “We have a hot double date.”

  She cringed and swiveled her chair away. “I’m not going on a date. I mean, I just had a weekend with—oh, never mind. I’m not dating.”

  Chloe held out her hand. “Wait a minute. You mean to tell me you and Diego are an official couple? You’ve only known each other, what, seventy hours? And you can’t count the wedding night.” She grabbed Veronica’s hand and tried to pull her up. “Come on. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “I’m not. I don’t want to—hey, I thought you liked Marco.”

  Chloe tsked several times and grabbed Veronica’s shoulders. “We can like a man and still date around. We’re free beings, not hooked up to some ball and chain.”

  Cocking her head to the side, Veronica studied her friend. “I guess Diego and I didn’t really discuss our relationship. For all I know, he’s out with another girl.” Though she highly doubted it, given the texts he sent her, she could give in to her friend’s misfits again. It was late and she should stop working. Plus, she was lonely now Diego was gone, and Chloe’s shenanigans would keep her mind busy. “Who are the guys?”

  Her friend bit her finger and giggled.

  “Who, Chloe?”

  “A couple of guys from the speed dating thing.” She held up her hand again. “Before you say anything, these two seemed really nice. One of them sent me an e-mail because we agreed we were compatible. He watched me leave with you and wanted you to go out with his friend. The double-date idea was his.”

  “I don’t even know who it is. For all I know, it could be the balding nerd in a tweed suit.”

  “Please. I need to get out. I already said yes, and they’ll be waiting for us in twenty minutes.” Chloe looked at her gold watch. “I brought you a fancy top and I can spruce you up in no time. Wait, actually, you look pretty nice, wearing a skirt. That’s new, Veronica.”

  “To hell with it.” Veronica turned off her computer. “You always talk me into this nonsense. You owe me big time, twice.”

  “Wait, you met up with Diego again, so I think that’s only once.”

  “Fine. Give me the top.” Veronica peeked around her cubicle walls to see if any other workers were in the office. It was empty, of course. She was usually the only one who stayed this late. She pulled off her shirt and glided on the silver-sequined blouse that Chloe handed her. It was a little big in the front, since Chloe was bigger chested, but it unveiled a sassiness she coveted.

  She liked that she felt sassy now that she was dating Diego.

  Grabbing her suit jacket, she pulled Chloe along. “Bathroom’s around the corner. Fix me up so I can test out how I’ll look when I see Diego again next weekend.”

  “Diego Smiego. You won’t have any fun if you keep thinking of him.”

  “Why don’t you want us to work out?” Though Veronica recognized she and Diego couldn’t be a permanent item, she still wanted to know her best friend’s opinion.

  “It’s fine if you two work out. Wonderful, even. Though, what would your mother say? Did you see how well-known he is? I mean, Google him.”

  “I did.” Veronica was impressed with Diego’s credentials, and yeah, it was a bit odd that he never talked much about his career. Not that she was upfront, either. He probably thought the same; they weren’t going to last, so why give all the beefy details? Chloe, however, was a different story. “So why? I can’t believe you and Marco didn’t hit it off.”

  “That’s not why.”

  Veronica pushed the bathroom door open and stopped. “So, there’s something there with you and Marco. Interesting.”

  “He’s a good kisser and all, but it didn’t feel right. He’s too high-maintenance.”

  Veronica couldn’t keep the laugh back.

  “What? Why are you laughing?”

  “You’re a box full of irony, Chloe. Make me beautiful.”

  Her friend cocked her head and smiled. “You already are.”

  • • •

  After the double-date night from hell ended, Veronica flung her heels off and threw her jacket on the reading chair by the window in her apartment before taking a seat.

  “Hey, Sachi. You been a good girl?” Her white Siamese cat curled its tail around her elbow and rubbed her arm. “Remind me to never trust Chloe again. Let me get you some milk.”

  She strode to the kitchen, stepping over a fuzzy ball that looked like a cross between a dead squirrel and her childhood hairdo. After she poured the milk, her phone rang with a text message. She practically ran to the armchair and searched through her purse for the phone. Picking it up, she observed Diego’s smiling face again.

  PapaGuitarra: Not too late, I hope. How was your day, linda?

  VeronicaBass7: I’m smiling now.

  PapaGuitarra: I’d love to see your smile. Open up Skype.

  VeronicaBass7: I look a mess.

  PapaGuitarra: Impossible. Finding you now.

  Veronica rounded her shoulders back and used her reflection in the window to finger-comb her hair. Her silver top still overwhelmed her chest, so she pulled it tighter around her back. If someone outside watched her smiling and pouting in the window, well, she was providing quite a show. She pulled down the blinds and wiggled into a comfortable spot in her chair.

  Even after a long day, Diego looked like heaven. He wore a tight black V-neck T-shirt with two dog tags hanging around his neck. His hair stood on end, up and around his ears, dying for her touch. His five o’clock shadow was heavy and as gorgeous as ever. The memory of feeling it against her body caused her nipples to harden.

  “There you are, cariño. I wanted your face to be the last I see before I go to sleep.”

  “There you go again, saying the right things.”

  “Keep smiling, linda.” Diego moved his phone around and he reclined on his bed.

  “Where are you? In a hotel?” She lay back and put her feet on the stool in front of her. She could stare at him all night, if she could.

  “Yeah. I just got in from a long day.” He raked his hair, making it stand up even more. “So, how was work today? Did you buy some big-shot fashion for the department store of the world?”

  She widened her eyes. “Oh, yeah, some Marc Jacobs stuff. I buy stuff all the time. Hats, purses, belts, dresses. Exciting job I have. On the phone. No traveling.” Crap. She was babbling, and who knew if she was making sense.

  “You okay, cariño?”

  “Yeah, just thrown off by the time. It’s late.”

  “It’s past midnight already. I was hoping to see you in some sexy lingerie, but it looks like you’re still dressed.” His gaze roamed up and down, even on the screen.

  “I went out with Chloe.”

  “Ah, the wild one. What did you two do? Find some hot dates?” The kidding in his voice didn’t go along with the seriousness on his face.

  She picked a cuticle on her free hand. “Actually—”

  He sat up. “You did, didn’t you? Tell me it isn’t true, cariño.”

  “Well, I …”

  “Shit. I go away for a week and I lose you already.”

  “I didn’t know you had me. We haven’t talked about our relationship.”

  He brought h
is phone closer to his face, showing the lips she wished could kiss her. “Listen to me. I am taking this relationship very serious, cariño. You might not think so because I’m not there, but I want us to be an us.”

  She pointed at the screen and caressed it awkwardly. Damn. She hated this talking on the phone crap. “I’m glad. I do, too.” And where the hell did that come from? She shouldn’t date a tattooed, non-country club type. What would her mother say?

  “Then don’t go dating anymore. You’re mine.”

  “Well, I belong to no one but myself, but you can play with me if you want.”

  A deep laugh sounded over the phone but it stopped as soon as it started. “I wish I could play with you right now.” The naughty smirk reappeared. “Do it for me.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “Yeah, I’m crazy to touch you and feel you and kiss you. Let me have a peek, at least.” He stretched out and held his phone up so she could see his upper body.

  Well, it was Skype. No one would be able to see it or make a copy. Only him. The man who wanted an us.

  “Okay.” She rotated her shoulder and reached for the strap.

  She pulled it down slowly and Diego moaned. “A little more.” Down and down the blouse went, until it fell off her entire side, leaving a full view of her black lacy push-up bra for Diego.

  “Shit, you’re killing me.” He ran his hand over his face. “Feel yourself for me.”

  She grimaced then remembered Sexy Vero wouldn’t hesitate.

  “Only a little.” He gave that sexy smirk and his puppy-dog eyes.

  “Like this?” She rubbed and pinched her breasts on top of the fabric.

  He groaned. “Like that. Damn, I wish it was me.”

  “I like this Skype thing.” It was another adventure to check off her never-been-done list.

  “Yeah, but there’s nothing like the real thing.” He bit his lip and sighed heavily.

  Veronica could definitely play this part well. Touching herself in front of him made her feel a boldness she hadn’t experienced—except when she was with him.

  “Now your turn. Touch yourself, Diego.”

  His lazy, dreamy eyes widened a bit. “You want to have phone sex, Vero?”

  “You started it.”

  He chuckled and raised an eyebrow. “You see my other hand?”


  “It’s been busy while we talked.” He closed his eyes for a second. “Just your voice turns me on, Vero.”

  She scooted back in her comfy chair and sighed. Just the thought of what he was doing turned her nipples hard and her secret places wet. “My hand is lowering as we speak.” She displayed her hand on the camera, moving it down with her.

  “Shit, Vero. You’re so fucking hot.”

  “I’m imagining it’s you.” She let her fingers play with the seam of her lacy underwear.

  Their breaths quickened at the same time and Veronica had to laugh. “I’ve never done something like this.”

  “That’s reassuring.” His voice was deeper. “Take off your underwear. Let me see all of you.”

  Without hesitation, Veronica slinked her panties down her legs, all while juggling the phone in one hand. She giggled and Diego groaned.

  “I’m close,” he whispered. “I’ve been on edge all week. Come with me, cariño.”

  She moved her hand to the right spot and held the phone to her face. She was sure she was as red as a beet, from embarrassment or the exertion or his words. It didn’t matter. What mattered was she took her life to a whole new level with this man. One she never wanted to turn away from. And she’d have to think about what that meant … later.

  Then Diego groaned and his face contorted, his caramel eyes rolling to the back of his head. She moved faster and eagerly so she could do the same.

  As if on cue, her body reacted and she threw her neck back, letting the orgasm overcome her. Her skin tingled and her heart banged against her chest. When she finally looked up, Diego’s lazy gaze smiled, along with his delectable lips with the kissable dimple.

  “That was amazing to watch.”

  She laughed, rolling her eyes, embarrassed. “I’m sure I looked ridiculous.”

  “The sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. “I can’t wait to see you in person. I’m going to make you do that right next to me.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see. I don’t know if I can keep my hands off you.” She reached for the throw blanket by her feet and covered her now cold body. “I can’t wait to see you too. Just three more days, right?”

  He sat up straighter. “Well, I have some bad news.”

  “What?” She ripped her feet off the stool. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, it’s … my … I have to stay a little longer. Someone got sick and I have to wait until I can record this last song. Looks like I won’t be back on Friday like I planned. It may be Monday instead.”

  “Well, that sucks.”

  He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, it does suck. In more ways than you can imagine.”

  “Do you do this often? Stay in Miami for long periods of time?”

  “Yes. I do. I, uh … work here a lot.” His answer was slow and cautious as if he sensed her irritation.

  “Is that why you don’t have a girlfriend? I imagine it’s hard to find a woman who’s okay if her boyfriend is always gone.” She mentally counted off the prime numbers in her head to try to stay calm.

  “Are you mad?”

  She didn’t know why exactly, but she suddenly was angry. Angry that her brain couldn’t make up its mind—did she want to try an “us” with him, or move on to a logical candidate her family would accept? Angry that she had to freaking choose. Angry that she’d just played with herself in front of a man who wasn’t there. Angry that it thrilled her. It shouldn’t all be so difficult.

  “Look, Diego, I’ve probably given you the wrong impression. We’ve had a great time together so far, but if we are to be an us, then you’re going to have to be around, or at least be honest about your timing.”

  “You don’t understand, Vero, this was out of my control.”

  “I do get it. You have priorities that are different than my own.” He didn’t even know half of it. “What you don’t seem to understand is real couples who are together are … well … together. You tell me you want an us, but then you stay away.”

  “From the beginning, I told you I travel. It’s part of what I do. This is important.”

  “You just told me you want to be an official couple, but I’m not sure I’m capable of waiting around for a guy to dictate when we have fun.” Just six months ago, she would’ve jumped at it, but now she was changing enough to actually speak her mind to the one and only hot guy in her life. Her heart pounded and her eyes welled up. Damn, she wasn’t ready for her adventure to end and that’s what this felt like … the end.

  “Look, I’ll be back on Monday and we can talk then.”

  “You’re avoiding the inevitable, Diego. This probably won’t work.”

  “We work. I swear, cariño, I will make this up to you.”

  She didn’t respond right away because she didn’t know what to say. She was confused as hell. “I hope your friend gets better soon.”

  “Baby, I’ll do whatever I can to get back by Monday. We have … things to discuss.”

  For some reason that comment made her more nervous. “I don’t like these serious conversations.”

  “We’re worth it and this is what real couples do. Talk. Don’t let this get in the way of what we have.”

  “Which is what?”

  “Something I haven’t had in a long time.”

  They stared at each other for a long moment, his brown gaze glued to hers through a screen. “I want to talk … in person.”

  “Monday, cariño, I promise.” He stared at her for a moment, soaking her in as she did the same. “Good night.”

  “Good night, PapaGuitarra.”r />
  He pushed his button to end the call. She did the same, but the ache didn’t go away. She didn’t know if she’d overreacted or not. All these unknown feelings kept getting in the way. She wanted him and the fun, but she knew her mother would have a hissy fit. She needed to find a practical man to marry one day and this road she paved for herself wouldn’t work. Would it? Could she present him to her mother in a positive light? He was famous, after all.

  • • •

  Turn on the lights.

  Let me see what’s right in front of me.

  Sadness won’t grasp me and shake.

  Instead bright lights will shine and awaken.

  It’s all you. You are the light.

  Again, the words plummeted out and his notebook filled with the songs he’d been waiting for. Damn it if Veronica didn’t open up the well that had sat empty for weeks.

  Coming to Miami was hard this time. Sure, he visited monthly, usually eagerly, and he was used to traveling. But he didn’t want to leave her. Partly he was afraid he wouldn’t see her again, although realistically he knew they were past that point. Still, he didn’t want to scare her. So, he’d take it slow. Let her get to know him. He’d get to know her.

  There were things he had to tell her and God knew how she’d react. If Diego knew her at all, he guessed she’d be okay with what he had to say. But he needed to tell her soon.

  “Hey, Diego, ready to close up shop for the night?” his producer echoed into his headset.

  “Sure, Miles. Give me a minute to pack up.” He closed his notebook, unplugged his guitar, and packed it in his case.

  Once he stepped out of the recording booth, Miles patted him on the back. “You okay?”

  He grimaced. What the hell was he doing sitting there acting all sappy in front of his producer? “Yeah, yeah. Excited to take Sofia out. Yesterday she was sick, so I didn’t get to see her.” His watch showed it was already five thirty. “I have about thirty minutes, in fact. Better head off.”