Breaking the Rules Read online

Page 6

  Kelly saved her then. “Let me show you the nursery.” She pulled Hope by the hand and dragged her to the end of the house.

  When they got to the baby’s room, Kelly stopped in front of her. “What the hell was that all about?”

  Hope took a deep breath and raised her face to the ceiling. “I know.” She slumped into the rocking chair next to her. “God, I’m such a dork.”

  “Honey, you’ve got it bad for Colin.” Kelly kneeled in front of her. “I had no idea.”

  “I already told him we can’t date.” When Kelly raised her eyebrows, she added, “He’s Jason’s dad. I’m Jason’s principal. Don’t you see anything wrong with that?”

  “Well, it’s unfortunate, but there has to be a way around it. We’ll go fix up a margarita, sit on the back porch, away from the source of this predicament, and figure out a plan.”

  Hope grabbed her friend’s hand. “Thanks. You know I love you, right?” She stood up and looked around. “Now let me see this nursery.”

  “Here’s the new quilt. I got it in baby green so it would work with either a boy or a girl.”

  Hope placed her hand on the soft fabric and caressed the intricate Winnie-the-Pooh designs. “It’s lovely, Kelly.” She faced her friend. “Any word from the adoption agency?”

  “Still waiting.” Kelly picked up the big teddy bear in the crib. “The agency is still having trouble with the Guatemalan ministry. It’s so frustrating, Hope. There are so many children there without homes, parents, even shoes to wear. Tim and I have been waiting for five months now.”

  “It’ll happen soon. Aren’t you on top of the list?” Hope rubbed her friend’s arm.

  “We’re on a list. But there’s a big list. The State Department has put a hold on all adoptions to Guatemala because of fraudulent cases. But those poor kids, you know?”

  Hope pulled her friend in for a hug. “Soon, Kelly. Have faith.” When Kelly pulled back, Hope smiled. “I love the nursery. It’s beautiful. What a lucky baby.”

  “Sometimes I catch Tim in here at night, just staring at different things — the mobile or the diapers. God, I wish I could have his baby.”

  “Hey now, you will have a baby. You just need patience. And you’ll be great parents.”

  After looking around the room with a big sigh, Kelly said, “Let’s go have those margaritas.”

  “I really need one.” Hope followed Kelly out to the lion’s den.

  • • •

  “Who’s in?” Colin said as he shuffled the cards. After Hope left the room, he couldn’t stop smiling. She was a nervous wreck when she walked in. In fact, it was adorable, because he knew she got nervous because of him. Scott and Tim kept poking fun at him, but he hadn’t really done anything. He only said hello. He’d like to talk more to her, if she would come out of that damn room in the back. He looked at his watch. How long did it take to see a new comforter?

  As if on cue, the ladies returned. Colin looked up and smiled at Hope. She seemed more comfortable, and smiled back at him.

  “There’s my wife.” Tim pulled Kelly to his side. “How about making those famous nachos of yours, babe?”

  “Oh, no, you didn’t.” She pointed her finger at her husband.

  “I told the guys about them. You gotta make them.” He slapped her butt.

  “Ow! Yes, boss.” She looked at Hope. “Sorry, Hope, it’ll only take a minute.” She made her way to the kitchen, which sat openly to the side of the dining area.

  Hope watched Kelly walk to the kitchen, her hands clenched into fists, then she wrapped her arms around herself. When she glanced at Colin, he gave her a reassuring grin. She sighed and looked around the room — anywhere but at the table. Then, she walked around the room, away from him. She straightened a picture frame on the wall and continued staring at it. He didn’t like that she was so unnerved. Colin wanted to make her feel comfortable. So, with a smile, he said, “Sit down and join us.”

  “Hey, this is a man’s game,” Tim groaned.

  “Can it.” Colin answered back. He smiled softly when Hope eyed him again. “I bet Hope could out win us all.”

  She looked around at the men’s faces, all staring her down. He could see her rationalizing the situation in her head. What else was she going to do? Straighten all the pictures around the house? Sighing, she rubbed the edge of the empty chair at the table, then shrugged and sat down. “I guess I could try one hand.”

  Colin cleared his throat. “Um, you ever played before?”

  “I know a little bit. Come on, you can let a woman play, can’t you?” She sat up straight and frowned.

  Good for her, Colin thought, not letting these dopes run her under the bus.

  “Then let’s get this game going.” Colin sent a warning glance toward Tim before he could speak up. He passed out the cards to the players.

  “So, Hope, you’re a school principal I hear?” Scott broke the silence. “How do you like that?”

  She arranged the cards in her hand. “I love it. This is my first job as principal, but I was an assistant in Virginia before coming to Harbor Bay.”

  Colin stopped what he was doing. “I didn’t know that.”

  Smiling at him, she added, “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Colin.”

  “I bet.” He laid out a ten-dollar bill for the first ante.

  Hope’s eyes grew. “You guys play with real money?”

  Colin laughed and Tim moaned, “You said you wanted to play.”

  She grabbed her purse and fished inside, pulling out some money. “I have to put ten dollars, right?”

  Tim set his money down. “That’s right.”

  She laid money in the middle of the table and picked up her cards. “So, Scott, what do you do?”

  “I’m a doctor, too. It runs in the family.” He shrugged.

  “What kind of doctor are you?” Hope placed one card face down on the table and nodded to Colin. “One,” she mouthed.

  “I’m a cardiologist like our dad.”

  Colin listened to them talk back and forth, figuring each other out. Scott had heard about Hope from Jason. After the Friendly Games Morning Jason blabbed on and on about Ms. Robinson this, Ms. Robinson that. Then he produced the photos on his Blackberry, which formed tons of questions from Scott and his wife, Sarah. Who was the principal? Why were they paired? How did they end up eating lunch together? Too many questions and Colin didn’t know how to answer since he was also trying to figure Hope out. He only knew that Hope told him they couldn’t be more than friends. Friends who had fun, he reminded himself. So, let the fun begin.

  “So, Hope. How was your week?” Colin butted in.

  “Great.” She grinned at him and then looked away. She was doing a good job avoiding his gaze. He wouldn’t let her.

  “Jason had a lot of fun on Saturday. I want to thank you again.”

  “Where is Jason, by the way?”

  “He doesn’t like poker, so I sent him to the slot machines at the casino instead.” This got a snicker from her.

  “There’s the laugh I’ve missed.” He beamed at her and this time her mouth twitched with amusement.

  “Very funny.”

  “I’m on call, so he stays with his grandparents in Tampa on those weekends.” He folded his cards down. “I’m out.” He couldn’t think while he played next to this woman. He needed a beer, but he couldn’t have one since he was on call. Damn it! Swishing his hand through his hair, he looked at his brother, who smirked at him. Damn it, again. His brother knew what he was thinking.

  “And that’s how you do it, boys.” Hope laid out her cards and he couldn’t believe it — a full house.

  “How the hell?” Scott asked.

  Tim sat forward. “No freakin’ way!”

  Colin only laughed.
She knew what she was doing all right. “Soxy does it again.”

  “Soxy?” Scott asked as he picked up all the cards and Hope pulled in all the money.

  “Well, gents, it was nice doing business with you, but I need a drink. Anyone else need one?” She stood and all hands went up except Colin’s.

  She looked at him. “I’ll take a Coke. I’m on call.”

  “Where’s those nachos, baby?” Tim hollered past her.

  Kelly yelled back, “Stop ordering me around. I’m working on the chili.”

  Scott pointed toward Hope, who was at the refrigerator. “She’s a smart cookie. I highly approve.”

  “Well, now that I have your approval, I’ll jump her.” Colin leaned back with his hands behind his head.

  “Nah, really, bro. Go for it.”

  “I already told you, it’s not going to happen.” He shut his mouth as Hope came over with two bottlenecks and a can of Coke.

  “Let me open these for you.” She handed the bottles over to the other men and then leaned in front of Colin giving him an eyeful of her chest.

  Colin cleared his throat and looked away, though it took all his effort to keep his eyes from taking in the view. “You don’t have to.”

  Hope smiled. “Don’t worry. I got it.”

  As she opened the can, it spewed all over Colin, from head to chest. Behind Hope’s squeals, he rubbed his face. Finally, once the bubbles dwindled down, Colin laughed so hard, his side hurt.

  “Not again!” Hope tried to clean his face with the napkins at the table.

  Tim and Scott looked at each other, between their own laughs.

  Kelly threw a kitchen towel over the bar. “Here.”

  “Let me just get your shirt. Wait, don’t move.” Hope blabbered on, so Colin grabbed her wrist to stop her, and she stared down at him.

  Kelly yelled, “There’s some more towels and clean shirts in the laundry room past the garage. Help yourself.”

  Colin stood up, still with Hope’s wrist in his hand. “Want to help me out?”

  She looked around the table and jiggled her necklace around. “Um, yeah.” She grabbed the towel and walked with Colin to the laundry area.

  Once the door closed, she stopped in front of the washer where towels and shirts were stacked. “I’m so sorry, Colin. Klutz is my middle name.”

  She turned around and stopped talking as Colin removed his wet shirt. Leaning over her, he found a towel and rubbed his chest. “No problem, I guess it’s payback from Luigi’s the other night.”

  When she didn’t answer, he looked into her face. Her eyes darkened and he moaned to himself. To hell with just friends. She wanted it, and he wanted it. So, they were going to have it. He stepped toward her and that was all it took to have her backed up against the washer. He placed his arms around her, resting them on the machine behind her.

  Hope bit her lip and looked up from his chest to his face, nodding her head. “We shouldn’t — ”

  Colin lifted a hand and fingered her cheek. “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”

  Hope’s eyes widened. “You are, too.”

  He felt that flitter in his stomach again. Since when did that happen? He bent forward and kissed her lips once. Enough to show her what she’d miss, and enough to let her say no, if she really meant it.

  “I don’t think — ” her words said, but her body said something different. She angled into him and tilted her head back as if asking for more.

  Grabbing her waist with one hand and her head with the other, he pulled her in and kissed her with the passion that had been building inside of him since he met her. And she kissed him back. There was no turning him down this time. She did want him and he wouldn’t be fooled or told otherwise.

  He pushed her back on the washer and allowed his hands to explore the side of her waist. He slipped his hand under the edge of her shirt, delighting in the feel of her smooth skin under his fingers. Just enough to entice himself, but not too much to throw her off. Man, he wanted to feel more of her, but he held himself back. The last thing he wanted was to scare her off. They had to take things slow. Damn … it had been too long.

  She gave back. Her hands pressed upward against his chest and she flitted her tongue on his lips, opening his mouth. A little moan came out of her and that threw him out of sorts. In the distance, he barely heard the door open.

  “Kelly sent me to check — ” Tim stopped when they broke apart, breathing hard. “Oh, shit. Ok. Uh. Get back to that, then.” He turned around, shut the door, and announced to the rest of the house, “Uh, Colin and Hope are a little busy in there.”

  Kelly squeaked, “What?”

  His favorite buddy, soon to be ex-friend, had just interrupted the best time he’d had in a long time. Colin faced Hope, but he could tell they weren’t going to resume their interrupted kiss. She had turned to the towels and pretended to unfold and fold them again. Colin wiped his face. “Hope. Turn around.”

  When she did, she shook her head. “I told you. Now we have Mr. Blabbermouth announcing to the whole world.”

  Colin lifted her chin with a finger and forced her to look at him. “It’s okay. It was only a kiss.”

  “Yeah, well.” She handed him a shirt that said Keep Calm and Recycle and Colin put it on.

  He rubbed her arm. “A damn rattling kiss, but — ” He stopped when she took a deep breath.

  Pointing at his chest, she said, “This didn’t happen.” She turned to walk out, but Colin grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

  He held her hand and rubbed her fingers. “Oh, but it did.”

  “Forget it ever did. It can’t happen.” She let go and stormed out of the laundry room.

  Chapter 6

  Taking a deep breath outside the laundry room door, Hope lifted her chin and walked to the dining area. Colin followed behind, but she refused to look at him. The visual of Colin’s disappointed face as she left him would be etched on her brain for days. Besides, she wouldn’t allow herself to be alone with him again, because her libido was obviously in charge tonight.

  Now she had to deal with the repercussions of being caught by Tim, the blabbermouth. She knew Tim would have a lot to say, but if she pretended it was no big deal, maybe they’d all forget about it. They walked to the table and three sets of eyes followed their every move.

  Wiggling his eyebrows at them both, Tim beamed. “So, how are you two doing?”

  Hope glared at him, and not quite ready to sound composed, she turned and joined Kelly in the kitchen.

  When she looked at Colin from the corner of her eye, he sat at the table and knocked back his half cup of Coke. “Sure could use a beer about now.”

  Several snickers followed.

  “So,” Scott sat forward and whispered, “what’s going on, bro?”

  Colin shook his head and eyed Hope across the kitchen bar, then back to his brother. “Nothing.”

  Kelly raised an eyebrow and asked in a softened voice, “What’s going on?”

  Hope shook her head and nodded toward the back patio. “Outside.”

  Kelly and Hope made their way to the table. Her friend carried a loaded platter full of nachos. Hope ignored the others, holding her chin up high. She grabbed the empty beer bottles and placed them on the kitchen bar, out of the way of everyone’s prying eyes.

  Colin braced his elbow on the table and rubbed his chin with a faraway look in his eyes. She couldn’t help herself from looking at his face — the strong jaw line. The very jaw she kissed not five minutes ago. She licked her lips remembering his hands under her shirt. Damn, it had been a long time since she’d been drawn to a man. In fact, she saw attractive men all the time, but not one sparked an interest in her — until now.

  Her face and neck felt impossibly hot all of a sudden. She had to put an end to the sta
res and end the matter, once and for all.

  Before she could say anything, Tim butted in with his nonchalant self. “So, I see you two have a lot in common.”

  Hope stood with her mouth open. She grabbed the rag on the table and held it up as if she were going to throw it at him. “Hey, you’re going on like a twelve-year-old reading Playboy in the dugout. If I were you, I’d focus on my own woman and butt out of other people’s affairs.” Hope threw the rag, and stormed to the kitchen with the rest of the empty bottles before the unfortunate double entendre had a chance to sink in.

  Kelly slapped her hands down on her legs. “Now you’ve done it. She’s furious. Tim, really.” She stomped off to the kitchen and patted Hope on the back. “I’m so sorry he’s being a jerk.”

  Holding his arms up, Tim asked, “What?”

  “Sometimes I wonder how you two ended up together.” Hope glowered at the dining area across the room. “He is being a jerk,” Hope added louder, to make sure he heard her.

  Scott shook his head. “You done blown it this time, Tim-O. Now everyone’s pissed at you. When’s the last time you saw Colin kiss anyone? Geez.” Scott started in on the nachos.

  Tim quirked his head to the side. “I was just having a little fun.”

  Colin stood and faced his friend. “You’re being a prick.” Colin headed to the kitchen, grabbed Hope’s arm. “We need to talk. Now.” With his firm grip and his needy eyes, she let him lead her toward the patio. Not sure where this would lead, she knew she had to put an end to this chaos and then get the hell out of there.

  Sliding the glass door open, Colin allowed her to step out into the cool night. Hope sat at the circular porch table and folded her arms over her chest. She closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath.

  “Look, don’t be mad at me. It’s not my fault Tim acts like an imbecile.”

  “I’m just so — ” She jerked her hand up. “So — ” Ramming her fist on her leg, she continued, “Mad. Why does Tim have to act like that?”

  “Tim is missing the shut-your-mouth gene. Don’t let him get to you so much.”

  “Don’t get to me? He’s in there blabbing away about something he knows nothing about.” She attempted to look at him then, and his nearness sent a shiver through her body. She hesitated, blinking with bafflement. Why did he have to smell so good — all man, like a walk through the forest — and those sea-green eyes that dragged a woman in. She stared at his grim mouth, as a warning whispered in her head. Don’t do it, Hope. But, God, she wanted to caress his face and bring his lips to hers again — even with all the mess they’d created.