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Time Out, Valentine Page 5

  “Shall we go?” He jumped out and helped Lexi from the ATV, trying to smile but failed miserably since his teeth were chattering.

  She and the tour guide hiked the incline toward the tree where a ladder waited. Taking a deep breath, Grant ran to catch up.

  The tour guide was saying to Lexi, “…climb the ladder to the thirty foot landing. You scared at all?” He turned to stare at Grant.

  For a second, Grant couldn’t speak. He licked his lips to try to wet the dryness in his mouth. “Uh…”

  Lexi twisted to face him, her head cocked to the side. “You’re scared, aren’t you?”

  He couldn’t tell if that bothered her or if she felt sorry for him. Either way, he didn’t like it. “I’ll be okay. Shall we start climbing?”

  Lexi held him by his arm and squeezed. “We don’t have to do this, you know. You should’ve told me.”

  “Hell, no. Then you’ll call me Grant the Ranter again.” He jerked his head in the direction of the zipline. “I’ll do it, one way or another.”

  Her hands circled his waist; she sidled up to him. “Remember this is supposed to be a romantic date. We can do it together, right Mr. Tour Guide?” She looked at the guy who leaned against the tree at this point.

  “Right. We have dinner waiting on our last platform. If we hurry, you’ll be drinking wine at sunset.” He checked his watch, shuffling on his feet.

  “Well, then, let’s get to it.” Lexi’s hand moved south and squeezed his butt. “We don’t want to miss our romantic interlude.”

  He lowered his voice, “If you put it that way, I’ll beat you there.” He kissed her, then after a beat, he made it to the ladder first.

  Once they arrived at the top, the world spun around him. He returned his gaze to the place they started, but even that was down and the vertigo wouldn’t stop taking over. He closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. He could do this. He freakin’ had ten computer networks running at once down in Napa. If he could do that, he could jump off a platform into the wild blue yonder.

  He grabbed Lexi’s hand. “Let’s go down together on this first line. Can we do that?”

  The tour guide laughed. He raised the harness for a couple’s zipline. “Already working on it. See the holes here.” He held it up to show them. “One person’s legs go here. The other here.”

  “Got it.” The dizziness disappeared a bit so he stepped forward to help Lexi into the harness. “Okay. Hold still so I can get behind you.” The tour guide lifted the harness around his legs connecting the two.

  Grant started to relax more, being linked to Lexi like this eased his nerves. He laughed. “I kind of like this. We should tie ourselves together more often.”

  She reached back and slapped his shoulder. “Dirty minded Ranter.”

  “Hey, you’re not supposed to call me that any more.”

  “I love to stir you up.”

  The tour guide provided their last instructions specifically stating another guide would be waiting at the next stop. What a relief. A lower stop, thank God. After ten seconds, the two counted down… “Three, Two, One…” They soared through the sky, the greenery flying past them in a blur. Grant couldn’t help but let out a huge whoop.

  Lexi joined, uniting them in sound, body, and mind. Grant never wanted the feeling, the thrill of adventure—connecting with a woman and having fun—to end.

  When they arrived to the next platform, Grant sighed in relief but wasn’t afraid any more. His heart beat from something far more different than fear—from the feelings he had for this woman. Lexi opened up a new hope to have more with her. More than he ever imagined.

  Damn if it wasn’t with Lexi Callahan, the damn woman who drove him crazy in the Time Out office.

  After several more hook-ups, the last one being separate and alone, they finally made it to their last destination. The lowest platform bore a plaid blanket, an ice bucket with white wine and a basket with cheese, crackers, and fruit.

  “So, this is the romantic part, I assume?” He led Lexi by the waist to the arrangement.

  “I suppose so. Think you can handle this part?” She patted his cheek and sat down cross-legged, pulling her shorts high on her thighs.

  “Only for a little while. Soon we’ve got to get you home and in your bed.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Geez, you’re brave.”

  “Of course I am. I just freakin’ ziplined through the forest with the hottest chick alive.”

  “Silly man. Come sit down with me and be romantic.” She poised her hand and tugged him to her side.

  Grant sat behind her, though, because he wanted to feel all of her next to him. He pushed his legs around her, placing her back to his front, encircling her waist. He murmured in her ear. “This is definitely romantic.”

  She rested her head under his chin. “The sunset is amazing.”

  He sucked her earlobe between his lips. “You’re amazing.”


  Lexi lay in her bed, the sheets crumpled at the bottom on the floor. The sexiest geek she’d ever laid eyes on wrapped around her body possessively. For once, it didn’t freak her out. The sight had her breathless—in a good way. He rocked her world last night, in and out of the bed.

  She wanted to brush her teeth before he woke up—talk about unsexy. With that at the top of her mind, she tried to extricate herself from his grasp without waking him.

  His large, masculine hand grabbed her hip. He mumbled into the pillow, “Where do you think you’re going?”

  She couldn’t stop from rubbing against him. “Time to get up.”

  He moaned, a sexy, husky sound that caused her heart to hitch. “Not yet, Sexy Lexi.” He opened his eyes and gave her a sleepy smile. “I want to devour you for breakfast.”

  “But—” Despite her words, her hand had other ideas. Inching up his thigh, her hand lingered on his hardness that waited for her.

  Before she could feel more of him, he wrapped her underneath him. He held her hands above her head and entangled their fingers. “Now.”

  His breath fell on her chin like butterflies fluttering their wings. He kissed her neck, her collarbone, edging lower in an almost painful way. The torment was hot and demanding, just like the geeky man kissing her.

  She writhed beneath him, buckling and rubbing his hard body. Her breasts brushed his chest, tightening her nipples. “Yes, now.”

  “Patience.” His lips sucked her breast, nipping underneath, leaving a small mark. “I have to pay you back for all that pleasure you gave me last night.”

  “You’re giving me exactly what I need.” Her hands came down, because she couldn’t refrain herself any more, kneading his ass. Her legs circled his waist, and she clasped her body into him, wanting to be closer, even though they were as close as humanly possible.

  He moved to her other breast, sucking, squeezing, pressing—taunting her to a point where she panted. Their breaths echoed in the room.

  She swung her hands to his face and pleaded, in barely a whisper, “Please.”

  He grabbed her ankles, kissing up her thigh, his fingers pinching her skin. Then he lifted her feet to his shoulders smiling down at her center—the glorious sight. She begged him with her body by wrapping her legs around his neck.

  Grant answered her call, thrusting into her with a powerful force that felt so right. A beautiful rhythm consumed them causing her to sing out with each push. She groaned, moaned and tore at his skin. Wanting him to feel her need—speaking to him without words. When he looked in her eyes, he emitted the exact same thing she tried to convey.

  He needed her, too. He wanted her. And more than just in that moment. Something happened between them—a strong pull—a bond that no one else had ever given her. It was perfect—not terrifying like she would imagine. This man gave her so much in so little time. She only hoped she could give him the same.

  With that final thought, she pressed into him at the same time he did. The force brought that delicious explosion that had curled
up within her. Soon he followed, and they lay panting together side by side. His fingers stroked her chin, pushing the stray bangs from her eyes. He had taken every bit of strength from her, yet she felt super-alive.

  “Woman, you don’t even know what you do to me.”

  “Good morning to you too.” She smiled into his neck as he caressed her back in small circles.

  “If I could wake up like that every day, I’d be a happy man.”

  “We might be able to work something out.” She blurted without thinking. Hell, she didn’t want to scare him off. She chanced a glance at his face, to gauge his reaction and dammit to hell, he had that sleepy smile. So sweet and endearing. How did she ever not like this man?

  His finger rubbed her bottom lip. Before he could say another word, a shrill sounded across the room.

  “Shit. My phone,” Grant mumbled without moving.

  “Ignore it.”

  “I can’t. Not after the network died yesterday.” He unwrapped his arms from her, and emptiness overcame her. Frightening that a man could do that to her. He sauntered to the jeans he left on the floor, digging his phone from the pocket. “Shit. It’s Jeremy.” He sat on the edge of the bed, his glorious sculptured back facing her as he leaned on his knees to dial. “Jeremy, what do you need?”

  Lexi’s fingers lingered on his shoulders. She massaged his tense muscles.

  “Another problem? What is it? Uh-huh. Well, why not? Okay, we’ll be right there.” He closed the phone, pausing for a moment then turned with a smirk on his face. “Can you believe it’s already nine in the morning?”

  Lexi sat up, a frown furrowed between her eyes. “Seriously? Shit. We should be at work.”

  “Exactly what Jeremy said. He also informed me there’s something I need to take care of, but he won’t tell me over the phone.”

  “Shit. He’s pissed.”

  “We should get dressed.” He stood and pulled her to her toes, kissing her all the way to her core. “Last night—and this morning—was amazing.”

  All Lexi could do was squeak a reply. It was amazing all right. And so was this man.

  Chapter Eight

  Grant had held onto Lexi’s hand the whole walk from her house to the office with a satiated smile. When they entered the doors, Lexi promptly let go of his hand clearly wanting to keep their newfound relationship on the down low. He guessed he understood, but he didn’t like it, because they didn’t have time to talk about where they stood. The sex was great—more than great, the chemistry was scorching, but it was more than that with her. He liked their unusual connection, her unbelievable wittiness and how the power one glance from her made him feel.

  He’d talk to her as soon as he figured out what Jeremy wanted. There was probably a network malfunction or something—but the tone of his friend’s voice indicated it was urgent. He walked to the receptionist’s desk. “Hey, Cindi, is Jeremy in his office?”

  “You’re here. Good. Jeremy said he wanted to see you as soon as you came in.” She pointed toward his boss’s office.

  Before he could take a step over there, a voice came from Jeremy’s office—a familiar whiny voice that gave him a headache. He froze.

  The “emergency” appeared down the hallway and his stomach clenched…Becky.

  Quick footsteps approached along with a high-pitched voice shrilling around them. “Oh, there you are Granty.” He really hated that voice.

  Oh, crap. The ex-nightmare meets the new dream girl. He pulled up his glasses and folded his arms over his chest. Becky approached. Before she spoke, she inspected Lexi next to him. She paled, but then she put on her game face, the one he’d seen plenty of times when she was angry. Grant faced the aggravating woman in front of him. “Becky, what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  “You know Daddy. He has his ways.” She fanned the air then reached for Grant’s hand, holding it in front of her. He wanted to jerk it from her grasp, but she held on tight.

  He put his weight on his other foot staring at the nightmare of an ex-girlfriend. “It’s a bit of a shock to see you here.” His voice stayed quiet as he darted a gaze at Lexi. The sounds of the office whirled around him in hyper-mode. The tick of a clock. The typing on a keyboard. He did not want to be here with this dreadful woman.

  Jeremy waved behind her. “Uh, why don’t you guys use my office?”

  Grant pulled at the collar of his shirt—it was hot all of a sudden. Then the sounds around them stopped. No more typing. No more clocks. Not even a shuffle of feet. All eyes followed them as if it were a soap opera. In fact, it felt like one. Here he was next to Lexi, the woman he just—well—the woman he wanted to be with and his ex-nutso girlfriend, hanging all over him, who appeared at the worse time. “Sure. Good idea.”

  He moved into Lexi’s personal space and carefully articulated the message he tried to convey. “We’ll talk in a minute, okay?”

  She shrugged, but a tiny vein stuck out of her neck. “Whatever, Grant. I have to write an article anyway.” She walked off in the opposite direction without looking back.

  Great. Now Lexi was pissed, and he couldn’t even take the time to explain. Shit. What irked him the most was he didn’t invite Becky here. They were definitely over—had been for months. It was plain as day that she wanted something. But she would ruin whatever chance he had with Lexi. He didn’t like this one bit.

  “Granty, you’re hotter than ever.” Becky’s hands reached to his shoulders, massaging them.

  His lips pressed together and he tugged out of her grasp. “To the office.” He walked past her, biting the inside of his cheek, and slammed the door when she finally entered the room.

  “Why are you so mad?” Becky’s eyes widened.

  He pointed to the sofa indicating to sit down. “Stop calling me Granty like I’m a little boy.”

  “I’ve never seen you so angry.” Her lips pouted.

  He stood in front of her with his hands on his hips. “What are you doing here?”

  She tried to put on her pretty smile, but it didn’t work this time. “I miss you.”

  He laughed, straightening his glasses. “Okay. So, you come to Portland and stalk me?”

  “I’m not stalking you. I’m here to get you back.”

  “What? Are you crazy?” He ran his hand through his hair. “It didn’t work out with your new boyfriend? Come on, Becky. It’s over—way over for six months now.”

  “It’s been four.”

  “Well, we weren’t getting along at the end there.” He shrugged, turned to look out the window. Shit, if this woman ruined anything he had with Lexi, he’d strangle her. He wiped his glasses on his shirt and then put them on again. “Look, I’m sorry, but I’ve moved on.”

  “With that girl? The one you walked in with?”

  “It doesn’t matter with who. We’re finished.”

  “Daddy said he’d give you your job back. I know you liked working in Silicon Valley.” She ran her finger down his chest.

  He grabbed her wrist. “Stop it, Becky. I don’t want you or your dirty job offer.”

  She held her chin high. “I came all this way, and you’re going to talk to me like that?”

  “I didn’t ask you to come.” He walked to the door. “I think you need to go.”

  “Granty, think about what I said.”

  “The funny thing is, I don’t need to think about it. I have everything I need right here.” That realization hit him in the heart like a shot of lightning. It was true. He liked his job, his friends, and now the possibility of a relationship that justified an ‘Opposites Attract’ movie poster—and that made him happy.

  “Fine. But I won’t offer myself…or the job…again.”

  “Good.” He opened the door to indicate it was time to leave. “Goodbye, Becky.”

  She huffed, pulled her purse up on her shoulder, and strutted past him. All eyes watched them again. This time Grant didn’t care. He watched Becky leave, to make sure she disappeared without a fuss. Once she was cl
early gone, he marched to Lexi’s desk. An empty yoga ball, a dead computer, and no sign of his sexy Lexi.

  Where was she? He turned in a full circle to try to search for her when Aly popped out from the corner. “She left.”

  Grant faced her, his heart beating fast. “Where to?”

  “I don’t know, but she looked upset. Are you two…” Her hand waved between him and the empty desk.

  He put his hand up and took a deep breath. “I’ve got to find her.”

  Aly shrugged. “Good luck with that. Sometimes she gets a whim up her butt and ends up in a whole other state.”

  “Seriously?” Grant traipsed across the room. “To hell with that.” He ran his hand through his hair then waved Jeremy off when he stepped in front of him with a question in his eye. “Later, Jeremy.”

  Where would he find her? Where would she go? She had to know that she was the one he wanted. Didn’t she? They just spent an amazing morning together. They hadn’t been able to talk about it. Plus, he never even had a chance to explain who Becky was—one nutty old girlfriend—whom he didn’t want. He wanted Lexi.

  He’d start at Lexi’s apartment then figure out a plan from there. He had to talk some sense into her. They needed to move forward with what they started, because it was too damn important to ignore or blow off.

  Chapter Nine

  To hell with men. No matter how many she dated and how many she tried to bond with, it always turned to crap. Except this one had her excited, thinking it could really work. He was so charming, so appealing, so hot. She wouldn’t lie to herself; she had already fallen for him.

  All those gazes back and forth at work since he started three months ago, the butt checks, listening to his voice across the room to now. Getting to know him, the person he was, the kindness, the caring, the thoughtfulness in everything he did for her, including the Rose Garden date and the simple act of buying her coffee. Subtlety at its finest. All this time she thought he was aloof, but he was just shy.

  He could have actually been the one.